钰琪珠宝饰品是一家集饰品开发设计、生产销售于一体的独资企业。本公司成立于1999年,生产销售:金银首饰,项链,耳环,手镯,吊坠。淡水珍珠,贝壳珍珠,玻璃珍珠,塑料珍珠,仿珍珠,PS/ABS塑料珠,胶石压克力钻珠片等各种饰品配件,产品远销世界各地。 诚信,务实,沟通,效率,共赢是我们共同的企业价值观和企业文化。我们是一个充满朝气的公司,年轻化是我们公司人员结构的特征,充满活力是我们公司的共同表现,与公司一起成长是我们所有员工的共同愿望。 让客户满意,是我们的服务宗旨!公司竭诚欢迎广大客户参观、指导!Welcome to our website ,Our company have settled up in 1999. our corporation has engaged in all kinds of jewelry.We use the best exquisite craftsmanship create famous brand jewelry. Produce all kinds of gold / silver studded jewelry with first-class workmanship. We have a great variety of imitation pearl with the tip technical in world . as well as the costume jewelry .We kept the lowest of profile to help customer strive for more benefit in many years Tel:86-769-85559596 E-mail: jade-angel@163.com ...展开
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